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HPDF_Page HPDF_AddPage(HPDF_Doc pdf)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_AddPageLabel(HPDF_Doc pdf, uint page_num, PageNumStyle style, uint first_page, const(char)* prefix)
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HPDF_Outline HPDF_CreateOutline(HPDF_Doc pdf, HPDF_Outline parent, const(char)* title, HPDF_Encoder encoder)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Destination_SetFit(HPDF_Destination dst)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Destination_SetFitB(HPDF_Destination dst)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Destination_SetFitBH(HPDF_Destination dst, float top)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Destination_SetFitBV(HPDF_Destination dst, float top)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Destination_SetFitH(HPDF_Destination dst, float top)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Destination_SetFitR(HPDF_Destination dst, float left, float bottom, float right, float top)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Destination_SetFitV(HPDF_Destination dst, float left)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Destination_SetXYZ(HPDF_Destination dst, float left, float top, float zoom)
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HaruByteType HPDF_Encoder_GetByteType(HPDF_Encoder encoder, const(char)* text, uint index)
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HaruEncoderType HPDF_Encoder_GetType(HPDF_Encoder encoder)
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HPDF_UNICODE HPDF_Encoder_GetUnicode(HPDF_Encoder encoder, ushort code)
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HaruWritingMode HPDF_Encoder_GetWritingMode(HPDF_Encoder encoder)
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int HPDF_Font_GetAscent(HPDF_Font font)
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HaruBox HPDF_Font_GetBBox(HPDF_Font font)
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uint HPDF_Font_GetCapHeight(HPDF_Font font)
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int HPDF_Font_GetDescent(HPDF_Font font)
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const(char)* HPDF_Font_GetEncodingName(HPDF_Font font)
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const(char)* HPDF_Font_GetFontName(HPDF_Font font)
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int HPDF_Font_GetUnicodeWidth(HPDF_Font font, HPDF_UNICODE code)
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uint HPDF_Font_GetXHeight(HPDF_Font font)
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uint HPDF_Font_MeasureText(HPDF_Font font, const(char)* text, uint len, float width, float font_size, float char_space, float word_space, HPDF_BOOL wordwrap, float* real_width)
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TextWidth HPDF_Font_TextWidth(HPDF_Font font, const(char)* text, uint len)
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void HPDF_Free(HPDF_Doc pdf)
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void HPDF_FreeDoc(HPDF_Doc pdf)
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void HPDF_FreeDocAll(HPDF_Doc pdf)
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HPDF_Encoder HPDF_GetCurrentEncoder(HPDF_Doc pdf)
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HPDF_Page HPDF_GetCurrentPage(HPDF_Doc pdf)
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HPDF_Encoder HPDF_GetEncoder(HPDF_Doc pdf, const(char)* encoding_name)
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HPDF_Font HPDF_GetFont(HPDF_Doc pdf, const(char)* font_name, const(char)* encoding_name)
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const(char)* HPDF_GetInfoAttr(HPDF_Doc pdf, HaruInfoType type)
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PageLayout HPDF_GetPageLayout(HPDF_Doc pdf)
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PageMode HPDF_GetPageMode(HPDF_Doc pdf)
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uint HPDF_GetStreamSize(HPDF_Doc pdf)
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const(char)* HPDF_GetVersion()
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uint HPDF_Image_GetBitsPerComponent(HPDF_Image image)
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const(char)* HPDF_Image_GetColorSpace(HPDF_Image image)
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uint HPDF_Image_GetHeight(HPDF_Image image)
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Point HPDF_Image_GetSize(HPDF_Image image)
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uint HPDF_Image_GetWidth(HPDF_Image image)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Image_SetColorMask(HPDF_Image image, uint rmin, uint rmax, uint gmin, uint gmax, uint bmin, uint bmax)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Image_SetMaskImage(HPDF_Image image, HPDF_Image mask_image)
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HPDF_Page HPDF_InsertPage(HPDF_Doc pdf, HPDF_Page target)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_LinkAnnot_SetBorderStyle(HPDF_Annotation annot, float width, ushort dash_on, ushort dash_off)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_LinkAnnot_SetHighlightMode(HPDF_Annotation annot, HaruAnnotHighlightMode mode)
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HPDF_Image HPDF_LoadJpegImageFromFile(HPDF_Doc pdf, const(char)* filename)
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HPDF_Image HPDF_LoadPngImageFromFile(HPDF_Doc pdf, const(char)* filename)
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HPDF_Image HPDF_LoadPngImageFromFile2(HPDF_Doc pdf, const(char)* filename)
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HPDF_Image HPDF_LoadRawImageFromFile(HPDF_Doc pdf, const(char)* filename, uint width, uint height, ColorSpace color_space)
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HPDF_Image HPDF_LoadRawImageFromMem(HPDF_Doc pdf, ubyte* buf, uint width, uint height, ColorSpace color_space, uint bits_per_component)
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const(char)* HPDF_LoadTTFontFromFile(HPDF_Doc pdf, const(char)* file_name, HPDF_BOOL embedding)
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const(char)* HPDF_LoadTTFontFromFile2(HPDF_Doc pdf, const(char)* file_name, uint index, HPDF_BOOL embedding)
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const(char)* HPDF_LoadType1FontFromFile(HPDF_Doc pdf, const(char)* afmfilename, const(char)* pfmfilename)
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HPDF_Doc HPDF_New(void* error, void* user_data)

Basic Functions

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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Outline_SetDestination(HPDF_Outline outline, HPDF_Destination dst)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Outline_SetOpened(HPDF_Outline outline, HPDF_BOOL opened)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_Arc(HPDF_Page page, float x, float y, float ray, float ang1, float ang2)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_BeginText(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_Circle(HPDF_Page page, float x, float y, float ray)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_Clip(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_ClosePath(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_ClosePathEoillStroke(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_ClosePathFillStroke(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_ClosePathStroke(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_Concat(HPDF_Page page, float a, float b, float c, float d, float x, float y)
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HPDF_Destination HPDF_Page_CreateDestination(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_Annotation HPDF_Page_CreateLinkAnnot(HPDF_Page page, Rect rect, HPDF_Destination dst)
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HPDF_Annotation HPDF_Page_CreateTextAnnot(HPDF_Page page, Rect rect, const(char)* text, HPDF_Encoder encoder)
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HPDF_Annotation HPDF_Page_CreateURILinkAnnot(HPDF_Page page, Rect rect, const(char)* uri)
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HPDF_XObject HPDF_Page_CreateXObjectFromImage(HPDF_Doc pdf, HPDF_Page page, Rect rect, HPDF_Image image, HPDF_BOOL zoom)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_CurveTo(HPDF_Page page, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_CurveTo2(HPDF_Page page, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_CurveTo3(HPDF_Page page, float x1, float y1, float x3, float y3)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_DrawImage(HPDF_Page page, HPDF_Image image, float x, float y, float width, float height)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_Ellipse(HPDF_Page page, float x, float y, float xray, float yray)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_EndPath(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_EndText(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_Eoclip(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_Eofill(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_EofillStroke(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_ExecuteXObject(HPDF_Page page, HPDF_XObject obj)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_Fill(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_FillStroke(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_GRestore(HPDF_Page page)
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HaruCMYKColor HPDF_Page_GetCMYKFill(HPDF_Page page)
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HaruCMYKColor HPDF_Page_GetCMYKStroke(HPDF_Page page)
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float HPDF_Page_GetCharSpace(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_Font HPDF_Page_GetCurrentFont(HPDF_Page page)
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float HPDF_Page_GetCurrentFontSize(HPDF_Page page)
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Point HPDF_Page_GetCurrentPos(HPDF_Page page)
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Point HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos(HPDF_Page page)
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DashMode HPDF_Page_GetDash(HPDF_Page page)
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ColorSpace HPDF_Page_GetFillingColorSpace(HPDF_Page page)
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float HPDF_Page_GetFlat(HPDF_Page page)
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ushort HPDF_Page_GetGMode(HPDF_Page page)
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uint HPDF_Page_GetGStateDepth(HPDF_Page page)
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float HPDF_Page_GetGrayFill(HPDF_Page page)
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float HPDF_Page_GetGrayStroke(HPDF_Page page)
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float HPDF_Page_GetHeight(HPDF_Page page)
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float HPDF_Page_GetHorizontalScalling(HPDF_Page page)
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HaruLineCap HPDF_Page_GetLineCap(HPDF_Page page)
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HaruLineJoin HPDF_Page_GetLineJoin(HPDF_Page page)
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float HPDF_Page_GetLineWidth(HPDF_Page page)
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float HPDF_Page_GetMiterLimit(HPDF_Page page)
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HaruRGBColor HPDF_Page_GetRGBFill(HPDF_Page page)
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HaruRGBColor HPDF_Page_GetRGBStroke(HPDF_Page page)
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ColorSpace HPDF_Page_GetStrokingColorSpace(HPDF_Page page)
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float HPDF_Page_GetTextLeading(HPDF_Page page)
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TransMatrix HPDF_Page_GetTextMatrix(HPDF_Page page)
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HaruTextRenderingMode HPDF_Page_GetTextRenderingMode(HPDF_Page page)
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float HPDF_Page_GetTextRise(HPDF_Page page)
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TransMatrix HPDF_Page_GetTransMatrix(HPDF_Page page)
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float HPDF_Page_GetWidth(HPDF_Page page)
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float HPDF_Page_GetWordSpace(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_LineTo(HPDF_Page page, float x, float y)
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uint HPDF_Page_MeasureText(HPDF_Page page, const(char)* text, float width, HPDF_BOOL wordwrap, float* real_width)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos(HPDF_Page page, float x, float y)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos2(HPDF_Page page, float x, float y)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_MoveTo(HPDF_Page page, float x, float y)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_MoveToNextLine(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_Rectangle(HPDF_Page page, float x, float y, float width, float height)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetCMYKFill(HPDF_Page page, float c, float m, float y, float k)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetCMYKStroke(HPDF_Page page, float c, float m, float y, float k)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetCharSpace(HPDF_Page page, float value)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetDash(HPDF_Page page, ushort* dash_ptn, uint num_param, uint phase)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetExtGState(HPDF_Page page, HPDF_ExtGState ext_gstate)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize(HPDF_Page page, HPDF_Font font, float size)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetGrayFill(HPDF_Page page, float gray)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetGrayStroke(HPDF_Page page, float gray)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetHeight(HPDF_Page page, float value)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetHorizontalScalling(HPDF_Page page, float value)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetLineCap(HPDF_Page page, HaruLineCap line_cap)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetLineJoin(HPDF_Page page, HaruLineJoin line_join)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetLineWidth(HPDF_Page page, float line_width)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetMiterLimit(HPDF_Page page, float miter_limit)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(HPDF_Page page, float r, float g, float b)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetRGBStroke(HPDF_Page page, float r, float g, float b)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetRotate(HPDF_Page page, ushort angle)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetSize(HPDF_Page page, PageSizes size, PageDirection direction)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetSlideShow(HPDF_Page page, HaruTransitionStyle type, float disp_time, float trans_time)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetTextLeading(HPDF_Page page, float value)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetTextMatrix(HPDF_Page page, float a, float b, float c, float d, float x, float y)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetTextRenderingMode(HPDF_Page page, HaruTextRenderingMode mode)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetTextRise(HPDF_Page page, float value)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetWidth(HPDF_Page page, float value)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_SetWordSpace(HPDF_Page page, float value)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_ShowText(HPDF_Page page, const(char)* text)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(HPDF_Page page, const(char)* text)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLineEx(HPDF_Page page, float word_space, float char_space, const(char)* text)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_Stroke(HPDF_Page page)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_TextOut(HPDF_Page page, float xpos, float ypos, const(char)* text)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Page_TextRect(HPDF_Page page, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, const(char)* text, HaruTextAlignment alig, uint* len)
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float HPDF_Page_TextWidth(HPDF_Page page, const(char)* text)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_ReadFromStream(HPDF_Doc pdf, ubyte* buf, uint* size)
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void HPDF_ResetError(HPDF_Doc pdf)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_ResetStream(HPDF_Doc pdf)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_SaveToFile(HPDF_Doc pdf, const(char)* file_name)
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Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
HPDF_STATUS HPDF_SetCompressionMode(HPDF_Doc pdf, uint mode)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_SetCurrentEncoder(HPDF_Doc pdf, const(char)* encoding_name)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_SetEncryptionMode(HPDF_Doc pdf, HaruEncryptMode mode, uint key_len)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_SetErrorHandler(HPDF_Doc pdf, void* error)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_SetInfoAttr(HPDF_Doc pdf, HaruInfoType type, const(char)* value)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_SetInfoDateAttr(HPDF_Doc pdf, HaruInfoType type, HaruDate value)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_SetOpenAction(HPDF_Doc pdf, HPDF_Destination open_action)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_SetPageLayout(HPDF_Doc pdf, PageLayout layout)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_SetPageMode(HPDF_Doc pdf, PageMode mode)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_SetPagesConfiguration(HPDF_Doc pdf, uint page_per_pages)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_SetPassword(HPDF_Doc pdf, const(char)* owner_passwd, const(char)* user_passwd)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_SetPermission(HPDF_Doc pdf, uint permission)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_TextAnnot_SetIcon(HPDF_Annotation annot, HaruAnnotIcon icon)
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HPDF_STATUS HPDF_TextAnnot_SetOpened(HPDF_Annotation annot, HPDF_BOOL open)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
