1 /**
2  * Describes an image
3  */
4 module harud.image;
6 import harud.c;
7 import harud.haruobject;
8 import harud.types;
9 import std.conv;
11 /**
12  * Image class
13  */
14 class Image : IHaruObject {
15    protected HPDF_Image _image;
17    this(HPDF_Image image) {
18       _image = image;
19    }
21    /**
22     * Gets the size of the image of an image object.
23     *
24     * Returns:
25     * When succeed, it returns a $(LINK2 harud/c/types/Point.html, Point) struct which includes the size of the image.
26     * Otherwise, it returns a $(LINK2 harud/c/types/Point.html, Point) struct whose value is (0, 0).
27     */
28    Point getSize() {
29       return HPDF_Image_GetSize(this._image);
30    }
32    /**
33     * Gets the width of the image of an image object.
34     *
35     * Returns:
36     *   When succeed, it returns the width of the image. Otherwise, it returns 0.
37     */
38    uint getWidth() {
39       return HPDF_Image_GetWidth(this._image);
40    }
42    /**
43     * Gets the height of the image of an image object.
44     *
45     * Returns:
46     *   when succeed, it returns the height of the image. Otherwise, it returns 0.
47     */
48    uint getHeight() {
49       return HPDF_Image_GetHeight(this._image);
50    }
52    /**
53     * Gets the number of bits used to describe each color component.
54     */
55    uint getBitsPerComponent() {
56       return HPDF_Image_GetBitsPerComponent(this._image);
57    }
59    /**
60     * Gets the name of the image's color space.
61     *
62     * Returns:
63     *   when getColorSpace() succeed, it returns the following values. Otherwise, it returns null.
64     * $(UL
65     *   $(LI DeviceGray)
66     *   $(LI DeviceRGB)
67     *   $(LI DeviceCMYK)
68     *   $(LI Indexed)
69     * )
70     */
71    string getColorSpace() {
72       return to!string(HPDF_Image_GetColorSpace(this._image));
73    }
75    /**
76     * Sets the transparent color of the image by the RGB range values.
77     *
78     * The color within the range is displayed as a transparent color. The Image must be RGB color space.
79     *
80     * Params:
81     *   rmin = The lower limit of Red. It must be between 0 and 255.
82     *   rmax = The upper limit of Red. It must be between 0 and 255.
83     *   gmin = The lower limit of Green. It must be between 0 and 255.
84     *   gmax = The upper limit of Green. It must be between 0 and 255.
85     *   bmin = The lower limit of Blue. It must be between 0 and 255.
86     *   bmax = The upper limit of Blue. It must be between 0 and 255.
87     */
88    HPDF_STATUS setColorMask(uint rmin, uint rmax, uint gmin, uint gmax, uint bmin, uint bmax)
90    in {
91       assert(rmin < 256, "rmin should less than 256");
92       assert(rmax < 256, "rmax should less than 256");
93       assert(gmin < 256, "gmin should less than 256");
94       assert(gmax < 256, "gmax should less than 256");
95       assert(bmin < 256, "bmin should less than 256");
96       assert(bmax < 256, "bmax should less than 256");
97    }
98    do {
99       return HPDF_Image_SetColorMask(this._image, rmin, rmax, gmin, gmax, bmin, bmax);
100    }
102    void setMaskImage(Image maskImage) {
103       HPDF_Image_SetMaskImage(this._image, maskImage.getHandle());
104    }
106    public HPDF_HANDLE getHandle() {
107       return _image;
108    }
109 }